7 Reasons Why Daily Routine Is Important for Moving On

Want to know why daily routine is important to help you move on from a broken heart? You are in the right place. This article will help you understand the reason why your daily routine will play a huge role in your healing process.

Daily routine quotes

If you’re a YouTube junkie like I am, you should know that daily routines have been glamorized these days. And that’s for a good reason.

Daily routine will help you get your life back on track without making a quantum leap. In this post, I’m sharing the top reasons why daily routine is important, best daily routine, productive daily routine schedule, why is routine so important, the importance of daily routine for adults, why is routine important for mental health, and more.

After understanding the importance of daily routine and actually doing it, you’ll get some sense of normalcy. Every day passes by, and you know you’re one step closer to your dream life.

This post is all about why daily routine is important and that every new single woman should know about.

Productive daily routine schedule

1. It Creates a Sense of Control Over Your Life

I remember the day I woke up after a breakup. I was 35, alone, stuck in my career, and completely lost. Just getting through the day felt like an uphill battle.

Even worse, I saw three women get engaged on Instagram that same week. I don’t know them personally, but it was enough to make me feel awful. They’re younger than me, and here I am, barely can keep a relationship, let alone start a family.

That’s when I realized it was time to replace my scrolling habit with something more meaningful.

I uninstalled Instagram and replaced it with watching YouTube videos about women who rebuilt their lives after a breakup and found happiness.

Well, I’m still scrolling, but at least I’m choosing content that helps me win my personal battles.

That’s when I had an epiphany: changing my routine could help me take small steps toward healing.

A well-chosen routine provides a sense of control in the middle of chaos, making your healing journey easier and more natural without overthinking. It also helps you avoid falling into unhealthy coping mechanisms.

Healthy daily routine schedule

2. It Makes Taking Care of Yourself Automatic

When you’re heartbroken, it’s easy to let things slide.

You skip meals, forget to shower, and your skincare routine? Completely out the window.

By establishing healthy simple habits, your self-care becomes second nature instead of an afterthought.

Your routine doesn’t need to be inspired by the “That Girl” aesthetic. When you’re at rock bottom, it might simply mean eating real food twice a day, getting at least 6 hours of sleep, and showering once a day.

That’s how I survived the first three months after my last breakup.

Once I have more energy, I add something more challenging to my routine, like a 20-minute walk and 15 minutes of reading each day.

Fast forward three years, and my routine has changed to 10,000 steps a day, Pilates twice a week, and reading for an hour each day.

One day, if I become a mom to a newborn, my routine will be completely different from what it is today—and that’s totally normal.

My point is your routine grows with you.

You choose what works best for you at this very moment and adjust accordingly.

How to be healthy daily routines

3. It Prevents Decision Fatigue

After a breakup, going through an emotional roller coaster can leave you waking up feeling exhausted. Even small decisions might seem overwhelming, making the day feel long and challenging.

The bad news is you’ll have many of those days before you fully recover.

The good news is your daily routine will help you do something beneficial for you every day.

Having a routine makes you use no brain power to do things just like you brush your teeth every day without even thinking about it because that’s what you do every day.

When you strategically choose habits that build you up better every day like reading books, exercising, drinking a gallon of water, etc. You’ll get stronger every day without depending on willpower.

I learned about the power of habits from Atomic Habits by James Clear. He explains that if you’re flying an airplane and change your course by just one degree, you’ll end up at an entirely different destination.

That’s the power of daily routine. Little things you do every day that make a big difference in your life.

And I’m living proof of that. 

This simple plan helped me heal from a broken heart, rebuild my confidence like never before, start a new career, and wake up every day excited, knowing I’m one day closer to my dream life.

why having a daily routine is important

4. It Keeps You Busy with Positive Things

From experience, the journey toward healing from a broken heart is a combination of facing your emotions and distracting yourself.

You face your emotions by crying, talking to a friend, family, or therapist, and journaling. You’ll ask many self-reflection questions to unfold what’s behind the breakup. This process is important to make sure you learn your lesson and will make a better call next time.

Unfortunately, though, it also takes a lot of your mental energy.

You can’t do it for too long otherwise it will tear you apart.

That’s why you also need to distract yourself.

Some people distract themself from pain by getting drunk, being workaholics, binge eating, scrolling mindlessly, etc. Now you understand why distractions get a bad rap. It’s because we tend to choose unhealthy things to distract ourselves.

But what if we deliberately choose something positive to keep us busy?

This is where having a daily routine will come in handy.

Daily routine can play as a distraction to fill your day with useful things. It gives a structure to your day and saves you from overthinking.

The longer you stay in the cycle of facing your feelings and positive distractions, your negative emotions will subside while you’re getting stronger physically and mentally.

When finally you have nothing to cry for, you are only left with the new you who are ready to build a new life.

why morning routines are important

5. It Helps Rebuild Your Confidence

My last breakup was the worst moment of my life—second only to my parent’s divorce when I was 15.

I felt like a failure, constantly wondering if I’d ever meet someone who would truly love me, start a family, and build a life together. On top of that, I was struggling just to make ends meet.

My confidence took a hit.

I started to question if I deserved to have success in my life. 

People might not see it from the outside (I’m so good at “playing it cool”), but I know how I feel inside. I need to make some changes to rebuild my confidence.

And one sentence comes to mind: fake it until you make it.

If you want to be successful, start acting like one.

But first, I need a role model.

I choose Marie Forleo. She’s an entrepreneur I found online who quit her job as a stockbroker to start a life coach business online back in 2000. 

Her story really resonates with me because I’m also a former stockbroker who quit my job after realizing I couldn’t stand the 9-to-5 grind.

This woman is living the life I’ve always dreamed of, so I decided to start researching what Marie does to create the life she has.

She reads, writes, exercises, is smart with her money, does not spend hours on Instagram, trusts her intuition, and loves to work in silence.

I start to do the same thing.

Start with the easiest one: uninstall my Instagram.

Then, I walk 20 minutes a day just to enjoy the sunlight.

I start reading again after neglecting it for a couple of years.

The more I stick to my new daily routine, the more I trust myself. I’m becoming someone who follows through on what I say I’ll do.

This sentence gives me the confidence to pursue new things in life.

I started a new blog and wrote for clients to pay my bills, and my life became exciting and full of possibilities.

Fast forward to today—three years into my journey—and my daily routine remains my secret weapon for making progress in life.

why daily physical activity is important

6. It Helps You Avoid Falling Into Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms

Do you know why people love to scroll on their phones?

Because it’s easier than facing the world and taking real action to improve your life.

Our brain decides to choose something easy to preserve energy. That’s how our DNA works. And when you’re heartbroken, it’s easy to draw in your pain rather than pick yourself up.

This is why unhealthy coping mechanisms can take over your life.

Unless you do something about it.

Let’s use me as an example.

One of my worst unhealthy coping mechanisms is avoiding meeting new people, especially going on dates. I always tell myself that I’m an introvert and take pride in being a lone wolf.

But this feels like a nightmare for my plans to get married and start a family.

I used to set deadlines for my relationship status, like “I’ll get married by 27,” then it shifted to “I’ll get married and have kids before 35.”

But all those deadlines failed.

This time, I took a different approach.

I challenged myself to meet and have at least an hour-long conversation with a stranger every quarter (yes, that’s how much of a homebody I was).

And I did.

I met several guys and got to know them.

I evaluated every coffee date, learned my lessons, and kept looking.

While I haven’t found the love of my life yet, at least I’ve dipped my toes back into the dating pool to find the love of my life.

why routine is important

7. You Have a Clear Progress Tracker

I’m determined to rebuild my life after becoming single at 35. I know I’m smart, and a hard worker, and most importantly, my childhood trauma is healing. I’m finally realizing that I deserve to live my best life.

And this is what my best life will look like: I marry a man I’m proud of, have twins, and make at least 6-figure from my blog.

Imagine if I only celebrate the big milestones: the marriage, the newborn, and the 6 figures blog.

It will be years until I celebrate my first win.

Even worse, I might make an impulsive decision to marry the first guy I can grab just to have something to celebrate.

But it would be different if I focused on celebrating the progress I’ve made toward my goals.

Rather than celebrating the marriage, I celebrate when I successfully go out with a new guy.

I know I’ll eventually have a 6-figure blog, but to stay motivated, I celebrate every article I publish.

I wake up excited because I know that today, I’ll do something that brings me closer to my dream life.

why is routine important for mental health

Embrace Your Daily Routine to Transform Your Life

At this point, you must understand that you don’t need to be a superhero to completely overhaul your life. The transformation will come as a by-product when you do the right thing every day.

Let’s put this article into action.

What’s the first routine you’re going to adopt into your life?

No idea? This article on the daily routines of successful women should give you an idea of where to start.

Give it a read, and best of luck!

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