Should You Block Your Ex? 5 Pros And 5 Cons of Blocking Them
Should You Block Your Ex? This is always a hot topic after a breakup. But the questions don’t stop there. You might also find yourself asking, Why should I block my ex? Or how long should I block my ex?
All these questions—and more—will be answered in this article.

Going through a breakup can be one of the most emotionally challenging experiences, and figuring out how to handle communication with your ex is often a big part of it. If you’re asking yourself, “Should you block your ex?”, you’re not alone.
As someone who has been through this before, I handle each ex differently. If the separation happens through mutual understanding, I don’t block them. However, there is one specific ex who hurt me deeply, and I chose to block him on everything.
In this post, we’ll discuss when you block your ex on everything, is it bad to block your ex, should I block my ex or just ignore him, what message does blocking an ex send, does blocking your ex make them miss you, and more.
By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of whether blocking your ex is the right choice for your emotional health and personal growth.
This post is all about answering the question: Should you block your ex?
The 5 Pros of Blocking Your Ex.

1. It creates space for you to heal emotionally.
Blocking your ex can provide the much-needed breathing space for emotional recovery after a breakup.
When you keep stalking your ex on social media, you might be exposed to the same behavior pattern from your ex that triggers you to keep thinking about your former partner.
It’s like sprinkling salt on an open wound, you get nothing but hurt.
By limiting information about your ex, you can begin to mend your heart and focus on your next step.
Solitude gives you plenty of space to feel your pain and express your feelings to the point the agony will subside.
Once you feel more like yourself again, you’ll get a fresh perspective on navigating the situation to move forward.

2. It forces you to focus on yourself.
Post-breakup, it’s so easy to overanalyze every mundane move your ex made, such as hanging out with friends, updating stories, or posting on social media.
Before you know it, you’re wasting your time wondering if your ex still thinks about you.
Let me give you a harsh truth: if you’re that important to your former partner, you’ll know it already.
Blocking your ex helps remove a source of a trigger of your emotional turbulence and gives you emotional space to focus on yourself.
Instead of dwelling on the past, now, you have all the time you need to rediscover yourself.
You can try new hobbies, travel, and do all the things that may have taken a back seat during the relationship.
This self-focus attitude will help you regain your strength and stabilize your emotions.

3. It gives you 100% control of the situation
Maintaining contact with your former partner sets you in a situation full of uncertainty.
Your ex can text you at any time, upload photos that trigger your emotions, or make you obsess about whether they move on or not.
The worst part is, if there’s something you don’t like, you have no right whatsoever to sort the situation.
You gain nothing from this kind of setup.
That’s why taking proactive moves like blocking your ex on social media and messenger apps firmly places you in the driver’s seat on what kind of information you want to consume.
Now, you’re no longer subject to your ex’s updates, which can be emotionally taxing, especially at the beginning of break up.
You can pick and choose the information that helps you gather your strength and move forward with your life.

4. It prevents mind manipulation
Breaking up can often leave you with an emotional roller coaster that leads you to make decisions you might regret in the future.
When you’re emotionally fragile, cutting off communication with your ex can be the best thing you can do for yourself.
If you feel like doing so, think, “What if he/she worries about me?”
Remember that if they really do, the breakup won’t be necessary in the first place.
This is a bitter pill to swallow, but that’s the truth.
Blocking your ex will save you from being manipulated, where your ex-partner will try to exploit your feelings, guilt-trip you, or use your emotions against you.
This will slow down your healing process immensely and waste your time.
At the end of the day, your life is your responsibility, so prioritize your recovery above everything.

5. It sets a fresh start for your new relationship.
When you cut ties with your ex, it’s not only leaving the past behind but also preparing for what’s coming.
You create a healthy environment to heal, grow, and make a better life in the future.
And when you finally have someone new, you might need to cut your contact with your ex anyway, so why don’t you do it earlier?
Blocking your ex signifies your commitment to prioritizing yourself and being ready to start a new life.
With the lesson you get from your previous relationship, you can have a clean slate with someone new and build a relationship based on trust and understanding rather than being weighed down by the past.
The 5 Cons of Blocking Your Ex.

1. You can’t be friends.
One of the most significant drawbacks of blocking your ex is losing a friendship.
In many cases, a romantic relationship starts from friendship, so when you block your ex-partner, it feels like you have lost two relationships at once.
This is even harder if you know your ex is initially a good person, it’s just that the romantic stuff doesn’t work for both of you.
But if you find your ex has a flawed personality at the core, cutting him/her off will be easy peasy because nobody wants a toxic friend anyway.

2. No chance of getting back together.
Blocking your ex will eliminate chances of reconciliation.
This can be a drawback for your situation if you’re still unsure about your feelings or hoping that the circumstances that led to the breakup might change in the future.
Another thing you need to consider is blocking your former partner can also mean it is harder to resolve the issue that led to the breakup.
Sometimes, it takes time to calm you and your ex down emotionally and see your breakup with a fresh perspective.
If the communication is still open, it could leave the door for a potential reconnection down the line.
However, if your break-up trigger is something that hurts you at your core, cutting the connection with your ex for good can be the best gift you can give to yourself.

3. You can’t expect any (mutual) support in the future.
When you block your former partner after the breakup, it’s a firm message that you’re alone.
However, life is unpredictable, and there may come a time when you or your ex need each other, especially if you share mutual friends, financial responsibilities, or even children.
You might need emotional support from someone who understands you inside out.
Cutting the communication entirely will give you no chance to support each other in any situation.
On the other hand, blocking your ex-partner will give you relief from the emotional turmoil right away.
You’re the one who knows what triggered the breakup initially, so if there’s no value in keeping a communication line with your ex, then cut the ties with no doubt.

4. Awkwardness among mutual friends.
As a romantic partner might come from a friend, it’s very possible you share mutual friends with your ex.
When you decide to block your ex-partner entirely, it might create an awkward situation among your mutual friends, torn between loyalty to both parties.
Remaining friends with your ex, or even if just as an acquaintance, can help ease the tension and make social gatherings more enjoyable.
Before blocking your ex, consider the impact on your shared social network for everyone’s sake.
If you rush cutting the ties off, you might end up isolating yourself from your circle, and this will keep you stuck in misery.

5. No chance of keeping memories.
If you’re in a relationship for a long time and you end up split with your partner, it will end up empty space in your life.
And when you decide to cut all the communication lines with your ex, it’s like losing a significant part of your life.
These memories you shared together serve as a record of your life journey, cutting them off can be soul-wrenching.
Before deciding to cut your ex out of your life, consider preserving some memories that are important to you.
You might find the middle ground where you can keep the beautiful memories while still moving forward with your life.
It’s a decision you must make carefully so that you don’t have regrets in the future.

Listen to Your Heart. Choose What’s Right for You.
At the end of the day, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution in the chaos of navigating a break-up.
Whether you want to block your ex or maintain some communication is unique to your circumstances.
You need to listen to your heart on what’s best for you.
However, here are some things you need to consider to help you make the right decision:
- Always remember, your top priority is you. Focus on your healing process and aim to move forward for a better future.
- Your ex-character is what matters most in deciding how to navigate the after-breakup situation. If your ex-partner is a good person, things just don’t work between both of you, you might consider staying as a friend. But if you find that your ex has a character flaw you can’t tolerate, don’t hesitate to set firm boundaries by cutting the communication ties altogether.
- Know that this choice is not set in stone. When your pain is easing, you can change your decision later in life. You can set a strict boundary at the beginning of the breakup, and if you’re genuinely moving on and you have a sensible reason, you can reconnect with your ex.
Just remember: no matter your decision, we all hope both of you will push through the pain and come up on the other side with a better life.
Set your intention, make up your mind, and move on.
Trust the process, and everything will be okay.
Wish you all the best!

Should I Block My Ex or Not? It’s Time for Q&A!
Psychology of blocking an ex
Blocking your ex isn’t the best thing in the world.
You will feel icky, feel bad (even if he’s a jerk), and might wonder if he needs you.
I feel you. But let me tell you this.
At this moment, you are your TOP priority. I’m sorry to tell you this, but no one will come to save you but yourself.
That’s just the reality of being an adult. Sometimes even your family can’t do much for you.
If you wonder if your ex needs you, my answer is that it’s none of your business. We are all adults and we must take care of ourselves.
When you block them, you’re cutting off that little voice in your head that says, “Just one quick check won’t hurt.” Spoiler alert: it always does.
Seeing their posts, their “living my best life” updates, or even worse, their new someone can send you spiraling. Blocking helps you move on without unnecessary setbacks.
Should I block my ex who dumped me?
For god shake girl, he dumped you!
Why do you still give space in your life? You should give your energy to yourself not to someone who treats you as an option.
It might not feel the best in the beginning, but once you learn to enjoy your journey as a single, you don’t even think about your ex.
Should I block my ex or just ignore him
Ah, the classic dilemma—do you go full block and delete or just hit them with the silent treatment?
You have this question because you don’t want to look “that bad” or you want to look “okay” in public.
My answer will be:
1. I’m so sorry to give you the bad news but nobody cares about you that much (this is tough love, I know!).
2. Ignoring someone can drain your emotions because you restrain yourself from reacting while you keep the temptation in front of your eyes.
3. Just block your ex everywhere. Focus on healing yourself.
I blocked my ex who dumped me!
Good job!
I’m proud of you!
Now, focus on loving yourself. Prioritize self-care and treat yourself like a queen (while still being responsible).
What message does blocking an ex send?
It’s like screaming to his face, “You’re not part of my life anymore!”
You can imagine screaming those words in front of your ex’s face. Feel so good, doesn’t it?
However, your ex might not care that much. So, don’t waste your time overthink what your ex thinks about you after blocking him. You have better things to do with your time and energy.
Should you block your ex on social media?
You don’t want to end up comparing yourself with your ex-new girl 🙁
Does blocking your ex make them miss you?
Some people somehow feel sorry about their mistakes (like letting go of a kick-ass woman such as yourself).
But at the end of the day, who cares whether your ex misses you or not? It’s time for you to be productive and create a new life!
Should I keep my ex blocked?
If the pain is that deep, keeping your ex blocked should be a good option.
Should I block my ex-girlfriend?
It’s up to you! If you’re not in contact, there’s no need to block a stranger. But if it still stings, do what’s best for you.
Should I block my ex after a breakup?
Read the article to see the big picture.
Should I block my ex’s new girlfriend?
Well, you shouldn’t know who is his new girlfriend if you already blocked him in the first place. But well, to avoid unnecessary drama, maybe blocking his new girl will be a good idea.
Should I block my ex’s number?
His number and social media!
Signs you should block your ex.
If you still cry at night, that’s a strong sign you still do not heal.
And if you feel your stomach flip just seeing his picture, that’s a sign you still hurt.
Should I block my ex after she unblocked me?
Well, it’s up to you.
Are you healed yet?
The fact that she unblocks you doesn’t matter.
If you are still hurt, protect yourself.
Should I block my narcissist ex on social media?
OMG, narcissistic people are the worst!
Should I block my ex who cheated on me?
I can’t believe you ask this!
He cheats on you, girl!
Blocking him is the least you can do to protect yourself from being hurt again.
Can I block my ex after a breakup?
Sure! Be my guest!
Should I block my avoidant ex on social media?
Well, he’s already avoidant so maybe he doesn’t even realize that you block him.
Should I block my ex-boyfriend?
Read the article!
Should I block my ex-boyfriend on social media?
Yes. That’s the point of blocking your ex: you don’t want to meet him even online.
Should I block my ex on WhatsApp during no contact?
Blocking your ex will remove the temptation to “say hi.”
Should I block my ex’s friends?
It’s up to you. Most of the time, I love to keep things private. And most friends don’t really affect what happens between me and my ex’s friends.
Should I block my ex-girlfriend during no contact?
Yup! It makes no contact easier.
Should I block my ex-girlfriend on WhatsApp?
Do it if you call to!
Should I block my ex on LinkedIn?
Should I block my ex to move on?
Not seeing your ex makes it easy to move on.
Should you block your ex on social media?
When should you block your ex?
After the breakup!
Should you block your ex during no contact?
Blocking your ex makes the no-contact session easier.
Should you block your ex on WhatsApp?
Why should you block your ex?
read the rest of the article, you should have better ideas about why it’s important to block your ex.
Should you block your ex if you want them back?
Ehem, girl, you shouldn’t want him back in the first place.
Trust me, there are many fish out there.
How long should you block your ex?
It’s up to you!
But for me, it’s forever.
I don’t see the benefit of letting a jerk wander in my life.
How do you stop missing your ex?
Go on 0 contact and fill your schedule with something useful. Slowly you will have better things to miss.
How do you stop loving your ex?
Stop contacting him. Love is like a plant—it grows when you water it. In a relationship, communication is that of water. If you stop ‘nurturing’ it, your feelings will naturally fade over time.
Why do exes block you?
Well, none of your business.
This is a question you don’t need to find the answer.
He either needs time to heal (just like you do), or he simply doesn’t want to see you again—and that’s totally okay.
When do you stop missing your ex?
Block him, continue with your life, and have fun!
Once you enjoy your life, you don’t have time to miss your ex.
Should I block my ex on everything?
For me yes!
Otherwise, my overthinking self will find a way to check on him on every platform I use.
Is it bad to block your ex?
Nope! It’s necessary!
However, if your ex didn’t hurt you that much and you might want to unblock him after you heal, you can always do that.
Should I keep my ex blocked forever?
If he is that bad, please do!
Nobody has time for jerks!
How long should I keep my ex blocked?
As long as you want to!
Can you block your ex on Hinge?
When should you block an ex?
As soon as you get the closure of your relationship.
Then, you can switch your focus to healing yourself.
How long should I block my ex?
As long as you need!
I have one ex that hurt me to the core so I block him like forever.
Even just imagining his face gives me a serious case of butterflies.
Should you block your ex on WhatsApp?
You don’t want to see your ex’s name pop up in your chat. It might tempt you to say something you’ll regret later—like inviting him over and ending up in an unnecessary fling.
Can you block your ex on Bumble?
Yes, you can.
I block several weirdos in Bumble.
You can also report them and explain why you do so to Bumble, especially if you notice a fake account. It will help online dating safer for others.
Should we block our ex?
Yes, yes, and YES!
What happens when you block your ex?
Who cares!
You are not his mom!
Why don’t you ask better questions such as, “What happens when you don’t block your ex? Will you keep crying yourself to sleep every night?” (Been there, done that!)
Should you block your ex if you want them back?
At this moment, this shouldn’t be a priority.
At the beginning of a breakup, it’s normal to want your ex back because you’ve been familiar with him. But this is such a setback and prevents you from creating a new life.
Block him, and give yourself the space to grow into your new self.
Anggi Pradhini

Anggi Pradhini’s passion for writing a blog ignited after she experienced the pain of three breakups of long-term relationships. But as she rises from her pain, her three failed relationships make her way to rebuild her life in the right direction. In this blog, she wants to inspire people to bounce back from broken hearts and revamp their lives.